2106 North Hamilton Street Richmond, Virginia 23230

UPDATE: Expressions of interest in serving on the EDI Commission were due by January 15, and those who submitted the form should have received a confirmation on January 19. This post is preserved for informational purposes.

If you have a relationship to SPARC and feel passionately about social justice and equity, this call is for YOU!

Our organization is assembling a group of SPARC students, faculty, staff, and more — called the “EDI Commission” — to advance the organization’s practices in the areas of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI).

After investing in EDI training in 2019-2020 for staff, faculty and board, SPARC will center the voices of our constituents in this next phase of EDI work.

With facilitation from The Spark Mill (a Richmond-based consulting and facilitation firm), the commission will meet regularly to share their experiences, discover those of others, and help to shape a more equitable future for the SPARC community by designing specific goals and strategies. Participants don’t have to have past experience in EDI work – your personal experiences are what’s needed.

Submit your interest form by January 15, 2021.

Here are the details of this assignment:

Length of Time Commitment: 6 months (approximately February – July 2021)
Length/Frequency of Meetings: 90 minutes, monthly
Size of Commission: Approximately 12
Demographics Sought: Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC); Young people ages 14-22; LGBTQ+ people; people with disabilities; others who are allies of EDI work.
Constituencies Sought: SPARC-connected students, adjunct faculty, staff, parents, and volunteers.
Compensation: $20 per meeting hour

We anticipate more people to be interested in serving on the EDI Commission than spaces are available. Please know that there will be other opportunities to give input as the EDI Commission conducts its work.

UPDATE: Thanks to all who expressed interest!

We thank the many students, faculty, parents, staff, and community members who submitted the form for consideration for the EDI Commission by January 15. A final membership list of the EDI Commission will be made when it is finalized in the weeks ahead.

Questions? Reach out at [email protected]