by SPARC Staff | Mar 27, 2018 | Blog, Laina’s Adventures at SPARC
Hello, readers! As we “spring,” into the end of March, I wanted to update you about our recent events at SPARC. The SPARC building has been bustling with students working on various activities such as Legally Blonde Jr. rehearsals, a variety of educational classes,...
by SPARC Staff | Jan 26, 2018 | Blog, Laina’s Adventures at SPARC
Hello Readers, Hope your New Year is off to a fantastic start! We have been busy planning and executing a fun-filled semester at SPARC. For starters, the casts of our spring production, Legally Blonde Jr., have begun rehearsing and excitement is in the air. In...
by SPARC Staff | Dec 15, 2017 | Blog, Laina’s Adventures at SPARC
Hello readers, Happy holidays from SPARC! We hope you are enjoying the festivities of the season. As we close our last month of 2017, we have been bustling with year-end activities including wrapping up our fall classes, participating in Barnes and Noble’s story time,...
by SPARC Staff | Dec 13, 2017 | Blog, Student Spotlights
This week we’d like to introduce you to Drew Seigla, and SPARC alum and graduate of Juilliard. Drew works in both musical theatre and opera. He currently works with “ARE Opera,” a NY based company that seeks to make opera accessible to everyone. In 2016, he joined the...
by SPARC Staff | Nov 13, 2017 | Blog, Laina’s Adventures at SPARC
Dear Readers, I just returned from the Virginia Theatre Association’s annual conference in Norfolk, VA. It was exhilarating and I am very excited to share my experience with you. While I was at conference, I met many interested high schoolers who are eager to get...
by SPARC Staff | Nov 13, 2017 | Blog, Laina’s Adventures at SPARC
Dear SPARC Fans, Just like in Dear Evan Hansen, today’s blog entry is going to be a great one and here is why… I am currently attending the Virginia Theatre Association’s annual conference, representing SPARC, and wanted to update you on the conference highlights....