2106 North Hamilton Street Richmond, Virginia 23230

AC frozen out in Green Room

Discovered this weekend that the AC was not functioning in the Green Room. I think it’s because the closet door was left open so that un-insulated ceiling was leaking hot air and the AC couldn’t keep up.

Replace Built-In Rubber Doorstops

The rubber doorstops that are built into the doors in many of our spaces are worn down. They often no longer keep the doors open or only work at funky angles. I think we should be able to replace just the little rubber stoppers on the metal attachments.

Emergency Light Falling Off the Wall

The emergency light in the hallway from the admin offices to the back admin entry door is loose. It looks like the mounting hardware has popped out of the wall. The cable that powers the light appears to be intact.

Toilet Broken

The toilet in the right-hand stall in the women’s restroom in the admin lobby is misbehaving. Several folks have reported trouble with it this week, but it’s not consistent in the way it misbehaves. We suspect it’s an issue with how the water flows...