2106 North Hamilton Street Richmond, Virginia 23230

By Katheryn Sherrill  |  
Directed by Shanea N. Taylor

Please Consider Making a Donation  |  To sustain this program, SPARC relies on generous contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations. Support New Voices today by making a gift to SPARC!

Girl is trying to decide on something to eat, which is no easy endeavor as there is an array of obstacles that hinder her. The most forefront being the pain she suffers, after eating. It is this pain that Girl uses as one of her many defenses against her doctors’ diagnosis of anorexia. Girl wholeheartedly believes they have wrongfully lumped her in with the stereotypical teenage anorexic. Thus the claim she had no idea she was starving herself is not delusional but a fact. One which neither the doctor nor her family and friends have the evidence to refute; since they are not privileged to the inner workings of what goes on in Girl’s mind. However, the human manifestation of all her hidden thoughts and suppressed feelings, The Voice, does. The Voice knows what is the truth and will use whatever means necessary to get Girl not only to admit the truth but, to accept fault. The Voice successfully sparks doubt within Girl, but only for a moment. It is quickly snuffed out when The Voice begins questioning the validity of both the physical torture and mental anguish Girl endures from eating. The Voice continues to antagonize her delivering one merciless blow after next till finally, Girl is able to take no more. Impassioned, she proclaims what has never been uttered aloud– “If I do have anorexia then I did this to myself!” The Voice recognizes that Girl’s fight is fading and unleashes its final attacks, ensuring only the truth will remain. The Voice accomplishes this stripping away the last few remaining layers of defense Girl has. Exposed and emotionally raw, Girl stops denying what is unmistakably true now she must only find the strength within her to accept it.


ABOUT THE PLAYWRIGHT  |  Katheryn Sherrill is a first-time playwright and participant with New Voices for the Theatre. She’s a rising senior at Maury High School and a performance track student in the Theatre and Film department of The Governor’s School for the Arts. She would not have a story to tell without God.


ABOUT THE DIRECTOR   |  Shanea N. Taylor received an MFA in Theatre Pedagogy with a concentration in directing from Virginia Commonwealth University and has directed, taught, and performed for community, collegiate, and professional theatres in Richmond, VA, and District of Columbia. Currently, she teaches Communications, Public Speaking, and Theatre at John Tyler Community College and is passionate about encouraging, developing, and freeing voices. Recent directing credits include: Dark of the Moon and She Kills Monsters (JTCC), Dream Seller and the Forest Dwellers and The Amen Corner (T.H.E. Theatre Company), New Voices with SPARC, directing/leading Bardathon and the Festival Young Company (Quill Theatre), and co-producing and directing Ma Michele’s Murder Mystery Masquerade where Soul Food and Mystery meet. Shanea enjoys the opportunity to create artistic and social conversation through taking a journey in someone else’s shoes. We all must tell our stories and speak our truth!

 Cast & Crew

Sophia Futterman is a rising junior and is incredibly excited to be participating in New Voices for the first time. A big thank you to Katheryn, Heather, Shanea, Eden, and the team at SPARC! 🙂

Eden Johnson (Stage Manager) is a rising senior in Midlothian High School’s International Baccalaureate program and she’s thrilled to be participating in her third New Voices festival! When she’s not involved in theatre, she can be found trying new recipes, crying over pictures of hedgehogs, or watching West Side Story for the millionth time.



Major funding for New Voices for the Theater is provided by:


Additional Support Provided By:

Altria, Community Foundation for a greater Richmond, Dominion Energy Foundation,
the R.E.B. Foundation, Robins Foundation, and Holly Rice & Vince Gilligan

All SPARC programs are made possible in part by: