2106 North Hamilton Street Richmond, Virginia 23230

August 8, 2017 SPARC Student Spotlight!

(Photo of Chandler Pettus and Stage Manager Breezy Potter, taken at a July 24 performance of JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH JR. SummerStarz tour.)

We’re so proud of the students we get to work with, so we’ve decided to start a weekly spotlight series to share a bit more about them! This week, we caught up with CHANDLER PETTUS, who recently worked on James and the Giant Peach JR.

What aspects of technical theatre do you participate in?
I have worked with many different aspects of tech theatre including deck crew, lighting, and sound. I was also the Assistant Stage Manager this summer for SPARC’s SummerStarz touring production of James and the Giant Peach JR.

What was your most fun experience working on a show?
I really enjoyed working on my school’s production of THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER. I had just recently begun attending Collegiate and stage managing the spring play was a great way to join the theatre community.

What’s your dream show to work on that you haven’t yet?
Pippin! Whether it be the original or revival version, I’ve always really liked the show and would love the chance to work on it!

What’s your favorite thing about SPARC?
Although theatre is a big part of my life, the thing of love the most about SPARC is the community. Every show I’ve been involved with, I’ve been with such a great group of people that have made many impacts on my life throughout the years.

And most importantly…

Who’s your favorite Disney character and why?
Probably…Aladdin. I don’t know, I just think it would be really fun to play Aladdin one day!

Many thanks to Chandler for sharing!