2106 North Hamilton Street Richmond, Virginia 23230

Technical Theatre

About SPARC’s Technical Theatre Programming

SPARC offers two ways to get involved in technical theatre through tech workshops and our yearlong crew program, StageCraft.

Technical theatre opportunities are open to all students in 6th to 12th grades. If you have a student in your life who is interested in technical theatre and you would like to learn more, please email Amy Almond at [email protected].


StageCraft is a program from SPARC that focuses on building a community for students interested in all aspects of technical theatre, but especially backstage work.  As members of the StageCraft, students will meet with professional Designers and Technicians once a week to learn about the various roles of a crew member.  Participants will also learn practic al skills related to shop safety, set construction, lighting design and hanging, sound design, stage management, and much more!  The program will culminate with the StageCraft members putting their learning into action as production crew for SPARC performances.  Roles will be assigned based on interest, skill set, and experience. Along with the weekly meetings listed above we ask that families tentatively put the following SPARC performances in their calendars.  In addition to the programs listed below, other events that have crew opportunities may pop up throughout the school year.

                  • Urinetown (Winter Musical): Tech Rehearsals February 11-15; Performances Feb 16-18 and Feb 23-25
                  • Spectrum: Tech Rehearsals March 18-21; Performances March 22-24
                  • Showstoppers: Tech Rehearsals April 15-17; Performances April 18-20
                  • Live Art: Tech Rehearsals TBD, Performance May 18


Technical Theatre Workshops are anywhere from 3-8 weeks and focused on one aspect of technical theatre. Past classes have included Stage Lighting, Scenic Painting, Basic Carpentry, Costuming, and Prop-Making.

Unless specifically stated in the class description, most classes are open to students who have a range of experience.

Have a recommendation for a technical theatre class you want to see at SPARC? Email [email protected].


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Email us at [email protected] or call 804.353.3393.