Each year SPARC produces a season of plays and musicals designed exclusively for youth and teens to take center stage. Auditions are required to participate in these productions. Find information about upcoming auditions below!

Summer 2025 Musicals
The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical
Open to rising 6th graders to graduating seniors
Nickelodeon’s The SpongeBob Musical: Youth Edition
Open to rising 4th to 9th graders
There is no cost to audition. Tuition for students who are cast in productions typically ranges from $700 to $780. However, thanks to generous support from The William R. Kenan Charitable Trust, we are thrilled to offer our summer 2025 productions TUITION-FREE*!
*Should a student be offered and accept a role in a summer 2025 production, we will ask for a $75 production fee at registration. This production fee helps to offset costs such as our tour van, costume and prop materials, and cast celebrations.
Audition Dates:
Saturday, February 15 and Sunday, February 16
1PM to 4PM
If you are unavailable to audition on Feb 15 or 16, please submit a virtual audition. To submit a virtual audition, contact Programs Coordinator, Courtney Thompson, at [email protected] or 804.353.3393 ext. 223.
To Audition:
Auditionees should prepare and memorize a 32-bar (about 1 minute) song selection in the style of the show (contemporary musical theatre).
Be sure to review our detailed audition packet for details about rehearsals, performances, and what to expect from the audition process.
Audition-Based Programing FAQs
What kind of audition-based programming does SPARC offer?
SPARC produces four to six plays or musicals each year! Age ranges differ for shows depending on the content, but auditions are typically open to 6th through 12th graders.
SPARC also holds auditions in the spring for Touring Ensemble, comprised of 8th through 12th graders. These students do musical theatre revue-style performances at many private and public events around Richmond throughout the course of the year!
Does my student need to be enrolled in one of SPARC’s training classes in order to audition for a show?
No, SPARC does not require students to be enrolled in any additional SPARC class (or have taken one in the past!) in order to be eligible to audition for a show. Students with all backgrounds and levels of experience in the performing arts are welcome to audition. We always love to see new faces!
What does SPARC require at auditions?
Though specific requirements may vary, students should plan to prepare 32 bars of a musical theatre song or a one-minute monologue. Exact details on how to prepare for auditions will be posted to the auditions page with each new round of auditions.
What does it cost to be involved in a production at SPARC?
SPARC does not have an audition fee. However, there is a cost associated with participating in a show after a student is cast, as the rehearsal process is an enriched educational experience. That fee varies by program, and it covers all costs. There is no additional cost or fee for costumes. Families are also welcome to apply for a scholarship or create a payment plan to help with the cost of participation in one of SPARC’s productions.
How are families involved in the production process at SPARC?
SPARC doesn’t require families to contribute to the production process for any of our shows! We hire professional technical artists and designers to create the magic that brings our shows to life. If family members would like to volunteer somehow, they’re welcome to serve as ushers at a performance of their choice.
Have questions about auditions? Please reach out!
We are always accepting new students for upcoming classes, camps, and programs!
If you have any questions about SPARC or any of our offerings, please reach out to us by filling out our contact form on this page or by giving us a call at our office at (804) 353-3393.